Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Isn't it true the most of the conventional medical statistics and research methods we use today...?

...were put in place by the nazi party?Isn't it true the most of the conventional medical statistics and research methods we use today...?
I would say that it is not true - though there is a pretty dark history of connections between the pharmaceutical industry and the Nazi party.

Mainstream medicine traces its beginnings to Pasteur's germ theory of medicine and the formation of the AMA in 1847. The AMA and mainstream medicine received critical backing in it's early days from the rich and powerful Rockefeller and Carnegie families, though ironically John D. Rockefeller relied heavily on homeopathy and remained so even as the AMA conspired to eliminate homeopathy as a competitor.

The modern pharmaceutical empire can be traced to around the turn of the 20th century when the world's major drug companies, then located almost entirely in Germany, banded together to form the IG Farben Cartel whose purpose was to replace herbs and natural healing with drugs they patented and controlled. There was no Nazi party then either.

Later on when there was a Nazi party, the IG Farben cartel played a very large role in putting Adolph Hitler in power and they enjoyed great power and influence during his reign. One of their more heinous deeds was the use of German slave labor to construct a research facility which was a sister facility to the most infamous death camp in modern history, The name of the facility: IG Auschwitz. Later, they used the same prisoners to conduct ungodly experiments on without their permission.

At the 1947 Nuremberg Tribunal 24 of the managers of Hoechst, Bayer and BASF and other I. G. Farben executives were accused of the following crimes against humanity: • planning and leading the war • mass murder • conducting criminal experiments on innocent inmates of concentration camps • grand theft and plundering • slavery and other crimes.

The US lead prosecutor Telford Taylor said in the Nuremberg Tribunal against these I. G. Farben executives: “Not the Nazi lunatics but these accused are responsible for this war. And if they are not punished for these crimes the harm they will do to future generations is much greater than Hitler could ever have done if he were alive.”

The I. G. Farben Cartel was dismantled and split by the Nuremberg Tribunal into the daughter companies Hoechst, Bayer and BASF. With the help of John Rockefeller's son Nelson Rockefeller, their former business partner and US Undersecretary of State after the war, all convicted I. G. Farben managers, were released from prison in 1952 and reassumed positions in the highest levels of German industry.

Some people believe that the prediction of Nuremberg Tribunal prosecutor Taylor soon became true.Isn't it true the most of the conventional medical statistics and research methods we use today...?
United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al. (Better known as The Nuremberg Trials)…

led to what is called the Nuremberg Code - a set of ten ethical principles used in how research subjects are treated.…

In 1948 it was adapted by the World Medical Assembly as the Declaration of Geneva....

So since then, its been illegal to treat research participants outside of these guidelines, not just here or there - but everywhere.

So I guess you could say that the ethical code of conduct, which influences the overall scope of research methods were the result of the Nazi party, but certainly not designed by the Nazi party - it was the worlds outcry to those attrocites that led to those principles. And thank God for that, because frankly, its wasn't only the nazis who were treating research subjects awfully....the Japanese....The Americans....Geesh, it would make you cringe, really.

Statiscics were around centuries before the Nazis…
No. This is not true.

Some of the more complex aspects of biostatistics and related statistics fields have arisen in the last thirty to forty years, primarily because of the advancement of computers that can perform these operations in reasonable timeframes - and the availability of medical data in workable forms like health claims histories. However the central statistical theorems and principals go back much further, with the t-test being developed around 1900 (from memory). The roots of probability theory and Bayesian statistics as they currently are were layed down by Bayes and Gauss in the 1700s, or Pascal even earlier.. There was at least one mathematician I vaguely recall, of Jewish descent, who fled the Nazis and later developed some key aspect of the pure-math side - which I've never had to deal with since my first year of graduate school - thank god.

Tink, as usual, has presented very accurate and to the point material. The role of the Nazis, and to an almost equal, but often forgotten degree, Imperial Japan in modern medicine is antithetical. The atrocities carried out by these two powers resulted in the Nuremburg Code - a set of ethical principals for dealing with science and experimentation that involves human beings. The key point of that being informed consent - without coercion, deception and with proper education about what is being consented to.

Notably the United States Government's Tuskegee experiment eventually led to the codification of these ideas in more accurate and detailed ways in the Declaration of Helsinki - the development of which is ongoing. Where the Nuremburg Code is a set of ideas, the Declaration is detailed, and utterly, unforgivingly strict. Adherence is mandatory. In the US, the Declaration is essentially codified into law in the DHHS Common Rule.

Scientific Journals of any repute at all will not publish material that violates these ethical principals. Being involved in an experiment or project that does violate them is a career ending move, essentially placing the violator in the same ethical category as the Nazis.

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