Monday, February 8, 2010

Is it true that in India and Muslim countries they use their left hand instead of toilet paper to wipe?

eww...I hope they wash their hands! At least they're not wasting paper!Is it true that in India and Muslim countries they use their left hand instead of toilet paper to wipe?
That is pretty much the case in many 3rd world countries

that don't have much toilet paper...Is it true that in India and Muslim countries they use their left hand instead of toilet paper to wipe?
some people in india use water and the left hand to cleanse their bottoms. but alot of people use toilet paper also.

The right is the pure hand reserved for eating and shaking hands. in muslim countries, washing after defecating is a supposed to be a sharia law, i think? alot of toliets there have a built in nozzle to cleanse *just as japan does*, or a pail, or shower/faucet.

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