Monday, February 8, 2010

Is it true that citizen's taxes are being used in England to provide for the Royal family?

I'm an American and I was wondering how those of you who live in England feel about your tax money being spent to pay for the Royal family? Also, do you guys pay for EVERYTHING?Is it true that citizen's taxes are being used in England to provide for the Royal family?
You pay more to support that person in the WH than the UK does. It costs 65p per person per year. The Queen pays more than 2 MILLION in taxes every year,so get your facts right.You colonials make me laugh.Is it true that citizen's taxes are being used in England to provide for the Royal family?
Well it depends on how you see the situation. The ';crown estates'; or the property that historically belonged to the monarch produce a certain revenue every year. This revenue has been signed over to the treasury since 1760. Currently the revenue is about 拢264.6 million (over $400 million US dollars). Then parliament gives the monarchy about 拢40m to run themselves every year, Some people argue that the citizens are making a profit, and other people argue that the ';crown estate'; was essentially nationalized and taxpayers are paying the difference. Other people argue that the 拢40m is not reflective of true costs because it doesn't include security.


The sum of 拢40m is 66 pence per person in the UK. That is roughly US$1.05. The executive office of the president of the US is budgeted at about $1.10 per person . (Remember that US has five times the population of the UK). One argument is that without the monarchy the UK would need a president. The result of constant polling in the UK says that the large majority prefer to spend their dollar per year on a monarchy than on a president.


In addition the cost (per person) of a presidential election is almost a billion dollars now. That is more than the cost of the monarchy for a decade.


Sometimes people make a big point of saying that the monarch has no power. She has the power of influence which can actually be greater than the power to hire and fire, appoint people into positions, and approve budgets. You could argue that President Carter has more power now then he had when he was president 28 years ago (because he is much better liked and respected now).


So there is a group of people who approve of the monarchy, but get upset about some of their spending (particularly travel budgets). Travel budgets are always a sore point of contention with government officials. I don't know why the monarchy would be any different.


Interestingly enough the cost of the Danish monarchy (on a per person basis) is about double the cost of the UK monarchy. However, there is very little anti-royalist sentiment in the Scandinavian countries.


Queen Elizabeth net worth is about half a billion dollars. She pays for personal things including the cost of maintaining Balmoral and Sandringham estates (her personal property). These two estates are the bulk of her personal fortune. Some is tied up in jewelry and artwork. She has a stock portfolio of about $150 milllion in conservative investments. She does pay income taxes now.
Yes and no!

The have estates that make what is equal to about $500 dollars, and they are put in treasury. The treasury gives about what is equal to $80 million to the queen, the 2 Princes, and the Crown Pince. They also have companies acquired from rule that earn up to another $600 million.

My cousins in Holland own parts of the oil buisness, and some banking companies. My great grandmother was a Dutch Baroness and, was set up for a marriage to a member of the Royal family when backed out and fled the country, and she was related to the aristocracy.
Well I live in America too but I have researched Royal Family like crazy.

Yea, they do pay taxes and some of it goes to the Royal Family. I know that would kind of stink but yea.

However, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II did pass a bill from Parliament taxing the Royal Family's wealth. The money all really goes to the British government because now they pay taxes just like everyone else.
In England, the people are subjects, rather than citizens. Basically, the Queen owns the country. For the right to live on her land, the people pay.

That is historically, and extremely simply, how monarchies work. The reality is much more complicated. But, yes, the Queen is paid for her work, as are members of the Royal Family, if they do public duties. This is much like how the US president is paid for his work.

In fact, however, the costs of the monarchy are quite a bit more than the money she receives. If she was not wealthy woman (from her farms, businesses, and investments), she would go broke trying to pay for it all. The British (England plus the other countries in the United Kingdom) get quite a deal. Even better for us Canadians - we do not pay her anything unless she comes here. We do have the ';Crown,'; of course, the Governor General, etc., but we do not pay the Queen while she is in Britain.
Yeah. You know...American Citizens' taxes go to pay the President. And the congressmen, and senators, etc., etc., etc. That's sort of how government works. Even though they are only figureheads, they are still part of the government.
yes , just the security costs many millions every year
and the scrounging aristocracy milk tenancies on estates under feudal charters. suckers

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