Monday, February 8, 2010

In Biblical end times, is it true that a one world currency system will be used?

If yes, can anyone estimate when it will take place?In Biblical end times, is it true that a one world currency system will be used?
Yes --

The emergence of an Islamic single currency among these oil-rich Middle Eastern countries marks a significant step in the emerging worldwide movement to abandon national currencies in favor of regional currencies, along the model where the EU states have abandoned their national currencies in favor of the European Central Bank and the euro.

In 2002, the finance ministers of the Gulf Cooperation Council states sought out the assistance of the European Central Bank, as the model for their single currency, according to BBC reports.

The council was created in 1981 to promote the development of the member countries.The monetary union will entail the creation of a central bank to issue the single currency.

The AntiChrist will come on the scene during the time of the building of the 3rd temple in Isreal... which is being prepared as we speak ---

God Bless ---In Biblical end times, is it true that a one world currency system will be used?
2Ti 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2Ti 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Revelation 13:16-17 says ';Also it (the Beast-religious leader and propagandist of the Anti-Christ) causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is the name of the beast or the number of his name.';

This is going to, probably, be some kind of electronic system so that the finances of everyone of the earth can be tracked. I would guess that it's going to be some kind of implantable chip such as are currently being used in animals to keep track of them.
Many think there will be a one world currency because everyone will be told to take the sign of the beast, 666 in order to purchase or sell anything. Could be some sort of identification such as a microchip or even credit card, but we don't know how it will exactly play out.
The real question is how many people ACTUALLY took the time to look it up in the Bible before saying yes. My guess is the same amount of them that would tell you the Anti-Christ appears plural in the Bible more than once, isn't mentioned in Revelation, and is anyone who denies God (darn. My atheist cousin is the Anti-Christ, that will make our sleep-over awkward). By the way, all of that is true, look it up if you don't believe me.

They won't of course. But don't worry- anytime in history you go to is so close to the apocalypse. They thought it was ending during the Black Plague. Sort of made more sense to think it was ending then than now that there are a few countries that have realized it's easier for trade if they use the same currency. Good trade- a sure sign of the apocalypse.
Yes. It'll be years, but I think it'll happen after Obama leaves office, but it'll be pushed because of him. He's sorta pushing for it with wanting the world to be more easily connected. So within the next 20yrs.
This will become a reality before the year 2025. This is the New World order many world leaders are discussing behind closed doors.

Google Henry Kissinger and New World Order....and catch a wake up!
Does Not say that anywhere in the Bible.
I've heard this. When the world is united enough to have one currency we'll probably be enlightened enough to shed biblical anything, thus the end times for the bible.
Yes. It will be the Yen! because all other economies will flatline and this very worthless currency will become the worlds superior currency! haha jk Not sure if what who where or when to this answer. hope i gave you a laugh though!
yes its supposed to be a sign that the anti-christ is coming. its why a lot of people hate the Euro.
If they do, I hope it's based upon sand grains then I can become a billionaire.
Yes, just as soon as everyone gets a credit card in the mail.
its a currency the one world government will make up

some time with in the next 30 years probably
very soon in the next 5-40 years probably

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